get ready before midterm

get ready before midterm

here is a problem for system programming course.

Assume you have a data file(car.txt) whose contents are formatted: 10 Ford Red 20 Chevy Blue 30 Toyota Yellow 40 Honda White

(a) Define a type for a data structure that will contain this information.

(b) Create a function that receives string containing one line, parses the information into fields, dynamically allocates the structures, fills the data into it, and returns the value.

now begin with structure , it is Car.h 

/* * ===================================================================================== *

  •       Filename:  Car.h *
  •    Description:   *
  •        Version:  1.0
  •        Created:  04/04/15 20:20:23
  •       Revision:  none
  •       Compiler:  gcc *
  •         Author:  teaddict (),
  •        Company:   * * ===================================================================================== */ #ifndef CAR_H_INCLUDED #define CAR_H_INCLUDED

typedef struct { int number; char model[100]; char color[100]; } Car;


then we need a GUI for our  test app. It is carGui.h and carGui.c


/* * ===================================================================================== *

  •       Filename:  carGui.h *
  •    Description:   *
  •        Version:  1.0
  •        Created:  04/04/15 20:22:02
  •       Revision:  none
  •       Compiler:  gcc *
  •         Author:  teaddict (),
  •        Company:   * * ===================================================================================== */ #ifndef CARGUI_H_INCLUDED #define CARGUI_H_INCLUDED #include”Car.h”

void getCars(Car*);

void printCars(Car*,int);



/* * ===================================================================================== *

  •       Filename:  carGui.c *
  •    Description:   *
  •        Version:  1.0
  •        Created:  04/04/15 20:23:32
  •       Revision:  none
  •       Compiler:  gcc *
  •         Author:  teaddict (),
  •        Company:   * * ===================================================================================== */ #include”carGui.h”

void getCars(Car *c) { char tm[100]; char tc[100]; scanf(“%d %s %s”,&c->number,tm,tc); strcpy(c->model,tm); strcpy(c->color,tc); c++; }

void printCars(Car *c, int n) { int i=0; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { printf(“#########################################n”); printf(“Number:%dnModel:%snColor:%sn”,c->number,c->model,c->color); c++; }


and now we write our test.c

/* * ===================================================================================== *

  •       Filename:  test.c *
  •    Description:   *
  •        Version:  1.0
  •        Created:  04/04/15 20:29:12
  •       Revision:  none
  •       Compiler:  gcc *
  •         Author:  teaddict (),
  •        Company:   * * ===================================================================================== */ #include #include"carGui.h"

int main() { Car c[3]; int i=0;

for(i=0; i<3; i++) getCars(&c[i]);


return 0; }

the last thing is our Makefile

CC = gcc OBJS= carGui.o

.SUFFIXES: .c .o

.c .o: $(CC) $^ -o $@ $<

test: $(OBJS) $(CC) test.c -o $@ $(OBJS)


carGui.o: Car.h carGui.h carGui.c test: test.c Car.h carGui.h

now you can try it : cat car.txt ./test

and all the codes are her too :