In this post, I share my experience testing the performance of three popular JSON libraries in Kotlin: Jackson, Moshi, and kotlinx-serialization. The purpose was to measure how each library handles JSON parsing under different payload sizes and to ensure that the testing methodology minimizes external factors—like JVM startup time—so that the results are as accurate as possible.
Publish npm package with github actions!
Nowadays, I am going through my old npm packages and publishing them to npm automatically. I found a way to do it with github actions.
Get a free alert when your website is down!
I have been struggling with weird server problems for a while and sometimes I couldn’t notice my server is down. Mostly I notice them when I check my Google Analytics reports because the visitor numbers drops quickly. Finally, I found a free service which checks your web site every 10 minute and sends you a free alert if it is down. They have some pro versions too but free version is neough for me because I only want to get alert when it is down. After sign-up I waited a day, and tested the service, so my server was down for ten minutes, and I got the mail:
Scala Dotty Nedir?
açılımı Dependent Object Types (DOT)
yani Bağımlı Nesne Tipleri
. Scala 2 için scalac
derleycisini kullanırken, Scala 3 ile birlikte artık dotc
derleyicisini kullanacağız. DOT
hakkında daha fazla bilgi için bu dokümanı okuyabilirsiniz.
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Kelime Zinciri Algoritmasıyla Türkçe Metin Özetleme - SCALA
Kelime Zinciri Algoritması:
Angularjs parsedNgModelAssign is not a function?
It is one of the basic problem, but if you search in google probably you will find a lot of solutions which is not related. When you have input field with getterSetter
, and you didn’t give the function name correctly then you will get this error:
TypeError: parsedNgModelAssign is not a function
at NgModelController.$$setOptions.ngModelSet (angular.js:20414)
at NgModelController.$$writeModelToScope (angular.js:20863)
at writeToModelIfNeeded (angular.js:20857)
at angular.js:20851
Example field:
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Kelime Zinciri Algoritmasıyla Türkçe Metin Özetleme - SCALA
Kelime Zinciri Algoritması:
Kelime Zinciri Algoritmasıyla Türkçe Metin Özetleme | Online otomatik metin özetleme | Metin özetleme programı | Özet Çıkarma Programı
Uzun bir aradan sonra nihayet fırsat bulup projeye geri dönüş yapabildim. Programın ilk sürümü bitirme projesi olduğu için biraz karışık ve aceleyle yazıldı. Büyüzden tüm projeyi scala dilinde yeniden yazdım. Hem daha anlaşılır hem daha kısa ve öz oldu. Spring MVC, Tomcat ve Postgresql üçlüsünü bırakarak , Finatra + Mongodb ikilisine geçtim. Şimdi ayrıca docker-compose ile özetleme servisini hızlıca kurabilirsiniz.
How to Fix 504 Gateway Timeout using Nginx!
Currently I am trying to use my summarizer service with my orangepi. I was getting 504 Gateway Timeout
errors all the time, because orangepi is slow for calculations. I thought it is related with Finatra , but found out it was Nginx. It has default 75 seconds. For fixing it, you have to create ne file and then restart nginx service.
Finatra default JacksonModule settings?
Currently I am moving from spring mvc + tomcat to finatra. I had a weird problem with my api. My api post request expects contextOfText: String
, but when I make request , it returns error and expects context_of_text
. I have never such problem before. Couldn’t know how to search for this problem.. Anyway my work mate told that might be serializer problem. After some research I found some custom jackson module for finatra. Tried to see if it has any effects and fixed with first try. It seems default FinatraJacksonModule is using SNAKE_CASE
, therefore it converts variable names. Here I changed it to CamelCasePropertyNamingStrategy